Burnin Legs for Tax Day
AO: Gladiator
When: 2024-04-16
PAX (17): Bo Knows, Butterknife, Chanel, Cheneral, Dark_Side, defcon2, Delta (Matt Schechter), Dutch Oven, Judy, Macbeth, Porkchop, Scratch-Off, Slider, Speedo, Yokel, Brownie
A classic and fully by the book disclaimer was had.Warm-O-Rama:
Mosey around the parking lot. PAX did a few shuffles, a bernie or two, a quick lunge walk, and circled up for some stretches while the group waited for some of the late crowd.The Thang:
Line up on the parking lines facing the rec center. Q called pax to complete:- 15 Jump Squats
- 15 Monkey Humpers
- 15 Merksin
- Bear crawl 2 parking spaces. Rinse and repeat till you get to the wall
Next, PAX moseyed to the left side field and lined up along the wall. Q called for:
- Step Ups (Alpha Ct), Dips, and Derkins
- Rep count = 5, 10, 15, 20
- PAX to complete 5 of each, mosey the width of the field and back. Then, 10 of each, etc etc.
- PAX met around the circle once completed for the 6
Mosey to the main field for more fun in the soon to be sun. Q called for 3 exercises. PAX was instructed that the total count for each was 75 reps. However, once you hit 25 (of any exercise), PAX owed 1 full lap around the field OR 1/2 lap bernie.
- Burpees
- Bonnie Blairs (Alpha Ct)
- Leg Raises
Lastly, Q called back to the starting line for another round of:
- 5 Jump Squats
- 15 Monkey Humpers
- 15 Merksin
- Bear crawl 2 parking spaces. Rinse and repeat till you get to the wall
Prayers:- Scratch-Off: Travel, pray for Kristen / kiddos
- Speedo: Europe Trip! Celebrating 30 years!
- 4/18 - Yokel's VQ at the Gladiator!
- 4/18 - F3 Alpha's 9th birthday at Rubicon (Wills Park)
- 5/4 - Convergence at Nirvana AO
- Cheneral - leads a Bible study at Cafe Au Lait on Wednesdays at 7:05am