A Ruck with pain stations & crunch supreme
AO: Starting Line
When: 2024-03-27
QIC: Script Kiddie
PAX (3): Jolt, Script Kiddie, Sirmixalot
SirMixalot and myself were running right at 530 arrival time with Jolt getting there promptly at 530 as well, so on pre this morning.Warm-O-Rama:
Ruck with pain stations so no need for warmups, just time to start the showThe Thang:
- Another day of rucking but this time I decided to add to the fun so pain stations and a climbing of Mt Everest was added in. Pain stations
- 20 squats
- 20 ruck merkins
- Rucked down the main steps and then turned around and climbed Mt Everest by doing 3 calf raises at each step
- 20 reverse LBCs with ruck With some time to go I decided to share something I came up with called crunch supreme
- 100 crunches 20 LBC 20 crunches with one leg straight out 20 crunches with the opposite leg extended 20 crunches with both legs extended 20 LBC It was a huge hit.<==Sarcasm!