Thunder on the Mountain

When: 08/07/2017


PAX (): Virginia Slim, Fondue Guy, Switch, Squeegee, Booter, Doogie, 7-Up, Thumper, Rooney, I-Beam, Crack, Homer, Hat Trick, Double D, Sleeper, Crab Legs, Gearhead, Bayside, Sprocket, Grease Monkey, Jackalope, Bear, Caffeine, 8-mile, Bronco, Circus

While mother nature brought her A-game on this glorious Monday morning, a strong showing of 29 PAX braved the elements and brought thunder to the mountain.  We’ll get to that in a bit.  First, a hearty welcome to Dent (Toothpick) Denton and Casey (Matlock) Geiger.  Welcome gentlemen!

The Thang:

YHC on his VQ directed all walkers to the scene of the storm while leading the rest of the PAX on an extended mosey through hill and dale to loosen things up.  Special thanks to Bear a few other Happy Clowns who coordinated a group walk-up.  Warm-ups were brief and consisted of SSH IC and Mtn Climbers IC.  No sense in delaying the inevitable.

Thunder on the Mountain: as the rain started beating down, YHC led the PAX on an ambitious set of 11’s on the mountain consisting of Burpees and Stone Mountains.  Random mumble chatter turned into rolling thunder as a strong PAX took on the mountain.  Thumper gave YHC a run for his money as the heavens opened wide and seemed to applaud the team.  There was no quit in these men on a Monday morning as a couple of the PAX took on extra reps to encourage the six while the remainder cheered on.

YHC took quick inventory of the PAX and opted to call an audible for a round of 5’s on a easier hill to allow for some recovery.  Rinse/repeat from the 11’s, but swap Stone Mountains for Plank Merkins (keeping it fresh) .   Once again, plank for the six as YHC wasn’t about to leave anyone behind in the storm.

Mosey to the nearby lot for some COP consisting of 20 Merkins, 20 Rocket (Jump) Squats (RS), 20 LBC’s, 15 Merkins and finish with 20 RS.  With 7 minutes remaining, YHC directed all walkers back to the flag while leading the PAX through the storm on an extended return mosey through the countryside.  Once back, a quick round of Mary to finish things off (Freddy Mercury’s, Box Cutters, American Hammer).

Announcements: much thanks for a great turnout for YHC’s VQ.  Reminder that 2.0 workout with kids will be this Saturday (8/12) at 7:30a (6a trail run appetizer?).  Get those Evite’s turned around to I-Beam!  Looking forward to another VQ on Wednesday as Double-D brings some War Eagle Yoga to the Wreck.

AFLAC out.

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