Even after a win last night, Atlanta Braves still has a long climb ahead for the season with a record of 16-21. Same goes for the 7 PAX that gathered on a beautiful 72 degree morning that faced much of the uphill climbs.
Mosey down to the lower parking lot for warm ups:
SSH – 16
Sun Gods (forward & reverse) – 21
Copperhead Squats – 16
Hillbillies – 21
Mosey to the Rock Pile to pick up a coupon for the long uphill climb. We stopped at each sign marker to do the BRAVES exercises:
B-urpees – 16
R-everse LBC – 21
A-lternate Shoulder Touches – 16 (both shoulders count as one)
V-Up Roll Up – 21
E-lf on the Shelf – 16 (on each sides)
S-tar Jacks – 21
Mosey over to upper parking lot for some baseball diamond (exercises at corners) with alternating sprints, cariocas, and back pedals in between:
Merks – 21 (1st base)
American Hammers – 21 (2nd base)
Squats – 21 (3rd base)
Shoulder Presses – 21 (Home Plate)
Moving onto the second inning:
Carolina Dry Docks – 16 (1st base)
Big Boy Sit Ups – 16 (2nd base)
Monkey Humpers – 16 (3rd base)
Genuine – 16 (Home Plate)
Mosey over to the hill next to soccer field for some Elevens:
Skull Crushers – 10 at the top
Lt. Dans – 1 at the bottom and so on
Mosey back down the long hill to the lower Rock Pile, but before we unload our coupons we squeezed in a final exercise:
Colt “48’s” – 16 curls from bottom to halfway, 16 curls from halfway to top, and 16 full curls
Finally unloaded our burdens (coupons) and moseyed back to the flag as the time (and energy) ran out. There were a lot of murmuring throughout the morning, but as Clyde pointed out “you’re not truly working out unless you’re complaining.”
Praying for Dipper’s continued job search/interview process (but also praising God for His mercy and grace along the way), The Body’s M’s pregnancy and upcoming summer schedules, various F3 events (Roswell expansion, F3 2.0 during Memorial weekend, AO contest, possible Saturday workouts with The Kodiak, etc), and relationship with each of our M.

Atlanta Braves with 16-21 and climbing
When: 05/18/17
QIC: Big Dipper
PAX (): Swiper, Darth Visor, Reuben, Clyde, The Body, Hero